FAQs -What can we help you with?
1. How much is delivery?
Shipping costs are determined by the total weight of products in the basket and the country of destination. The total shipping cost will be displayed in the order summary. In Italy, the lowest price is Eur 4.89 for products weighing up to 3 kg.
2. Can I enter different addresses for billing and delivery?
Yes, when you place your order, you can indicate different addresses for billing and delivery, filling in the appropriate field. For purchases made through PayPal, you cannot enter a delivery address different from the one used during registration.
3. Which carrier do you use for shipping?
In Italy, we use Bartolini Corriere Espresso. For international shipping services, we use DHL Express or DPDgroup International Services.
4. Can I pick up the products at a carrier warehouse?
As a rule, it is not possible to personally pick up the products. For specific circumstances or needs, you can contact our Customer Service by Contact Form or by phone number at +39 02 8362 3081.
5. Can I pick up the products from your warehouse?
No. Farmacosmo does not have any physical stores and it is not possible to pick up the products at our offices.
6. È possibile assicurare la spedizione?
Yes. When placing your order, you can select the option ‘Shipping insurance’.
7. È possibile verificare lo stato della mia spedizione?
Once the carrier withdraws the products at our logistics, shipping receives a tracking number reference. We notify you, via email, your tracking number reference and the instructions to check your shipping status on the carrier site. The same information is available in Customer reserved area on Farmacosmo website (if the Customer is registered).
8. Effettuate consegne all'estero?
Yes. Farmacosmo delivers to all European countries, except for Jersey Islands, Channel Islands, Man Islands, Balearic Islands, Canaries Islands and Greece.
9. Cosa è necessario verificare quando il corriere consegna la merce?
When you get the products, it is necessary to check that the carrier's packaging is intact and the adhesive tape is not tampered with at all. In the event of suspected tampering or non-integrity of the package, you can accept it with reservation by adding the caption ‘Accepted under Reserve’ on the Carrier's Receipt and/or on its laptop. Otherwise, the customer cannot complain later about any tampering or damage. For more information, please consult the Conditions of Sale.
1. What payment method do you accept?
È possibile effettuare pagamenti con:Carte di credito circuito Visa e MasterCard – Carta di debito - Bonifico Bancario – Contrassegno – Postepay – PayPal. Per maggiori dettagli consultare le Payment Terms.
2. Where can I find your bank account details?
Bank account details for the bank transfer are included in the order confirmation email, which you receive automatically if you select bank transfer as your payment method. You can also find the same details here.
3. Can I send you a fax or an e-mail with the payment receipt to immediately unblock the order?
No. In case you pay by bank transfer, the products won’t be shipped until Farmacosmo receives the payment on its bank account. You have to make the payment within 5 working days of the purchase; after that, Farmacosmo reserves the right to cancel any order. In the Reason for Payment of the bank transfer, it is important to specify the order number you will find in the confirmation email.
4. Can I pay cash?
Yes, in Italy, you can pay cash on delivery if you select ‘cash on delivery’ as payment method. Please note that the limit has been set at €2,999.00, for cash payments. For more information consult Payment Terms.
5. Can I pay by cheque?
Yes, only in Italy. If you select ‘Cash on delivery’ as your payment method, you can pay by circular cheque with the carrier as recipient.
6. È possibile pagare con Postepay?
Yes. You can use your Postepay card to make the payment through the credit card network. For details, please consult the Payment Terms.
1. Can I track my order status?
You can check, in every moment, your order status by logging into your account at www.farmacosmo.it or by clicking here. In your personal area, select ‘Orders’ and then ‘Details’, to track your order status. If you placed your order via ‘Checkout as guest’ (without logging in to an account or saving any information), you will find the tracking procedure in the order confirmation email.
Order Status
1. Can I shop at Farmacosmo as a guest (without logging in to an account or saving any information)?
Yes. When purchasing, you can choose to continue without registration (checkout as guest).
Checkout as Guest
1. Can I change my Account Information?
Yes. After login, you can choose ‘Information’ to manage your accounting data, or ‘Addresses’ to change your shipping address.
Changing your Account Information
1. Can I order at Farmacosmo on the phone?
Yes, you have to contact our Customer Service Department at +39 02 8362 3081 (Option 1). We are open from 10am to 01.00pm and from 3.30pm to 5.30pm CET, Monday to Friday.
1. What is the warranty you offer on the products?
Tutti i prodotti elettrici o elettromedicali, venduti da Farmacosmo S.p.a., sono coperti dalla garanzia convenzionale del produttore (nelle forme e nelle modalità da esso previste) e dalla garanzia di 24 mesi per difetti di conformità ai sensi del DL 24/2002. Per maggiori dettagli consultare le Conditions of Sale.
2. How to exercise the right of warranty?
In order to exercise the right of warranty, you must keep the tax document (sales receips and/or invoice) certifying the expiration of the guarantee. In the event of anomalies or defects covered by the manufacturer warranty, you will need to contact the manufacturer technical support. For information Conditions of sale.
1. How can I exercise the right to withdrawal?
Farmacosmo S.p.a. riconosce il diritto di recesso, ai sensi del D.Lgs 206/2005, e del recepimento in Italia della nuova normativa D.Lgs. n. 21/2014.
If the customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person who buys a product for purposes that do not fall within the sphere of his commercial or professional activity and who places an order at Farmacosmo.it without a VAT reference) he has the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement at any time and for any reason, without any further explanation and without any penalty by giving notice within 14 working days of receiving products by registered letter, with advance copy sent via fax or on -line form. Please, find below the reference:
• Online Form: Contact Us
• Fax: +39 02 8362 3081
• Indirizzo Postale: Farmacosmo S.p.a. - Via Francesco Crispi 92 - 80121 - Napoli.
Right of withdrawal
1. When and how does the refund take place?
Gli eventuali rimborsi sono effettuati da Farmacosmo S.p.a. con i medesimi strumenti di pagamento in fase d'acquisto. Per maggiori informazioni consultare le Conditions of sale.
1. It is possible to receive an invoice?
In ottemperanza alle normative fiscali italiane, la Farmacosmo S.p.a. emette, per ogni acquisto effettuato, order placed, if the Customer has entered his tax code or VAT number when he has placed his/her order. Tax documents are attached to the parcel containing the products. In the case of electrical or electromedical products, you have to keep the tax document for up to 24 months to be eligible for the warranty. For information, please refer to Conditions of Sale.
2. Can I receive the invoice by email?
You can receive a copy of the invoice in pdf format by e-mail, sending a request through your Account; you have to select 'Orders' option and then 'Ask for Invoice'. For information, please refer to Conditions of Sale.
PLEASE NOTE: According to Italian law (art. 6 DPR 633/72) the deferred invoice request must be received no later than the 15th day of the month following the date of issue of the transport document. -
3. Can I enter different data for billing and delivery?
Yes, when purchasing, you can indicate different holders for billing and delivery.
1. What is Loyalty Card Program?
Il Programma Fidelity Card consente ai clienti registrati di accumulare punti convertibili, raggiunta una determinata soglia, in buoni sconto del 7% e del 10%.
2. Who is this Program for?
The program addresses only Registered Customers (if you place an order as a Guest that means you don't register for a Farmacosmo account before placing your order, you cannot benefit from the program).
3. How does the Program allow you to collect Rewards Points?
Every order you place and pay for, as Registered Customer, is worth of Reward Points.
4. What is not worth of Rewards Points?
The following “Extra Services” are not worth of Rewards Points
- National Consumer Union Registration;
- Shipping Insurance;
The Express Delivery Service is not worth of Reward Points, too . -
5. In which situation are the points not collected?
If you are applying a coupon code, a discount code or an offer code, you will not collect any Reward Points for your order. Loyalty Discount Coupon may not be combined with any other sale, promotion, discount, code, coupon and/or offer
6. How are Rewards Points calculated?
The points are calculated on the VAT inclusive Total of your order (expressed in Euros) rounded to the nearest integer and multiplied by 0.5.
7. What are the conditions?
Al raggiungimento di una delle soglie stabilite, 250 e 375 punti, il cliente registrato può scegliere di convertire i suoi punti in un 'Coupon Sconto Fidelity', rispettivamente del 7% e del 10%).
Quindi, 250 punti corrispondono a un Coupon Sconto Fidelity del 7%;
if you collect 375 Reward Points, you may redeem a 10% Off Coupon.
Loyalty Discount Coupon may not be combined with any other sale, promotion, discount, code, coupon and/or offer and have to be used one at a time.
It could happen that one or more purchased products are actually out of stock (it could happen that more customers try to purchase the same product simultaneously so that the selected product is not actually in stock) and you placed the order applying a Loyalty Discount Coupon. In this case, Farmacosmo will get you back the equivalent reward points that you have redeemed for the out-of-stock product. -
8. When will Reward Points be available to use?
When you place your order, the system will calculate the points you have to earn (read more at: How are Rewards Points calculated?). At this moment, they are Pending Points. They will turn in Rewards Points available to use, 15 days after the order has been delivered, according to right of Withdrawal Policy.
9. How can I apply my Loyalty Discount Coupon?
As Registered Customer, you will view and manage your Reward Points through My Points & Rewards section of your Personal Account. Here you will find your total Points balance, along with a cumulative history of all your Points collected, redeemed and expired.
Una volta raggiunta la prima soglia utile per la conversione dei punti (250 punti), il cliente troverà in automatico, all’interno del carrello di Farmacosmo, il pulsante che consente la conversione dei punti in Coupon Sconto Fidelity (nell’esempio in questione il 7% di sconto sul valore ivato dei prodotti). Tale conversione rimane un’opzione che il cliente può scegliere liberamente di utilizzare o meno.
Please note: once you have converted your Rewards Points into a Discount Coupon, you have to apply it in the same calendar year.
Before placing your order, you may remove the Discount Coupon from your basket storing it for future use, and no later than the same calendar year.
Il carrello mostrerà sempre e solo il Coupon Fidelity con lo sconto maggiore raggiunto: infatti, se il cliente ha raggiunto la soglia dei 375 punti, il carrello mostrerà la possibilità di usufruire solo dello sconto del 10% (e non quello del 7%, che verrà mostrato fino all’accumulo di 374 punti).